As part of Harvest Hope Food Bank’s program to get food out to the community during the COVD-19 Pandemic, The Jebaily Law Firm proudly sponsored the effort to feed the South Carolina National Guard Troops and those in need.
Four soldiers from Marion County units filled boxes with canned vegetables, pasta, spaghetti sauce, and other necessities to be delivered and distributed.
“The Jebaily Law Firm was very happy and is very happy to be part of helping what is going on in the community and helping support Harvest Hope Food Bank as well as the National Guard,” said George Jebaily, a Florence City Council member and also a mayoral candidate.
“We’re armed with masks and gloves when we do all that,” Jebaily said. “It’s critical to maintain safety, but at the same time the needs of the community, especially some underserved, they’re desperate to get basic necessities.”
Watch Video from SCNow
- You can read more about Harvest Hope’s Food Bank and watch the video of George’s visit by clicking here.