Although most people are probably unaware or unwilling to believe it, commercially licensed drivers, in fact, have one of the most dangerous jobs in the country. Delivery drivers spend long hours on the road and are required to meet strict deadlines.
Thousands of delivery drivers and other innocent motorists are killed in fatal delivery vehicle accidents each year. Many more suffer severe injuries.
Both employers and drivers can take steps to protect themselves and other motorists from harm.
Employer Responsibilities to Keep Delivery Drivers Safe
Employers are responsible for ensuring that their drivers have all the skills and tools to operate company vehicles safely. All delivery companies should:
- Hire safe drivers. Employers should hire qualified drivers who have the skills to operate a commercial vehicle safely. When employers bring on new hires, they are responsible for properly vetting them.
- Teach employees defensive driving. In addition to vetting and hiring qualified drivers who have experience behind the wheel of a commercial vehicle, delivery companies must provide drivers with adequate training. Putting poorly trained drivers on the road can lead to devastating accidents.
- Adopt a company policy that promotes safety. Overworking employees can lead to driver fatigue, a common contributor to delivery vehicle accidents. Implement a company-wide policy that prioritizes safety and conveys the importance of workplace safety to your drivers.
- Maintain your delivery vehicles. Failure to properly inspect and maintain delivery vehicles at regular intervals can contribute to accidents. Parts and systems can become worn down or defective over time. Frequent inspections and maintenance are necessary to detect issues and perform repairs.
Delivery Safety Tips for Drivers
Delivery drivers also have an obligation to prevent others on the road from being harmed. If you are a delivery driver, consider following these safety tips:
- Avoid distractions. Distracted driving is the most common cause of traffic accidents in the United States. Distractions can be visual, manual, or cognitive. When you take your eyes off the road, hands off the wheel, or mind off the task of driving, an accident can quickly occur.
- Practice defensive driving techniques. When you’re on the road, practice defensive driving techniques, including following other vehicles at a safe distance, remaining alert, using your turn signals, checking your blind spots, avoiding alcohol before driving, and more.
- Communicate with your employer. If you have concerns or are facing an emergency, communicate with your employer. It’s crucial to establish an open line of communication with the delivery company you work for if any issues arise.
- Inspect your vehicle. Many commercial vehicle drivers, including large truck drivers, must complete a pre-trip and post-trip inspection of the vehicle. While it might be tempting to forego your daily inspection once you’ve completed your shift, you could overlook an issue with a part or system that later ends up causing problems.
Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer at Jebaily Law Firm
Were you injured in a collision involving a delivery truck? If someone else’s negligence harmed you, you could be eligible for compensation. Contact the South Carolina delivery vehicle attorneys at Jebaily Law Firm today for a free, no-risk consultation.