motorcycle accident depiction scene with crashed motorcycle lying on its side and close up of motorcyclists forearm on pavement

Unfortunately, reports indicate that motorcycle fatalities in South Carolina are on the rise, leaving many families grieving the loss of cherished loved ones. If you have lost a family member in a fatal motorcycle crash in South Carolina, you could be entitled to compensation.

The legal team at Jebaily Law Firm is committed to helping South Carolina families seek justice after the death of a loved one. We understand that money can’t bring back your loved one, but we believe it can offer you and your family stability during these trying times. Many families find comfort and closure by seeking a measure of justice for the departed.

While recovering the money you deserve after a fatal motorcycle accident can be challenging, working with a knowledgeable attorney can improve your chance of success and give you the space you need during this trying time. The legal team at Jebaily Law Firm is ready to stand with you and protect your family’s rights.

Contact us now to discuss your situation with our experienced fatal motorcycle accident lawyers in a free case evaluation.

Fatal Motorcycle Accident Statistics in South Carolina

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), U.S. motorcycle accidents claimed 5,579 lives in a single recent year. That amounts to almost 14 percent of all traffic fatalities, even though motorcycle riders only make up a small fraction of all road users.

Numbers from the South Carolina Department of Public Safety indicate at least one motorcyclist dies in our state every 3.2 days. South Carolina motorcycle fatalities are only increasing. Recently, South Carolina reported more motorcycle deaths in one year than in any year for the past four decades, with 154 motorcyclist fatalities statewide.

What Are the Major Causes of Death in Motorcycle Accidents?

NHTSA lists head injuries as the leading cause of death and severe injuries in motorcycle crashes. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that wearing a helmet can reduce a rider’s risk of death by at least 37 percent and reduce the risk of head injury by 69 percent. However, even with a helmet, riders can suffer deadly traumatic brain injuries (TBI).

Other causes of death in motorcycle accidents also include:

  • Amputations
  • Crush injuries and compartment syndrome
  • Internal bleeding
  • Organ damage
  • Spinal injuries
  • Severe burns

Deadly Crashes During Motorcycle Rallies in South Carolina

The Myrtle Beach Bike Week Spring Rally is one of the most popular events for motorcycle enthusiasts and one of South Carolina’s largest annual events. Every year, riders across the country converge on Myrtle Beach to ride, swap stories, and share their appreciation for motorcycle culture.

Unfortunately, rally events like these also create a hotbed for fatal crashes. The influx of riders sharing the road with distracted or careless drivers can be devastating. There is never a shortage of news reports around rally season outlining the deadly consequences for motorcyclists and other road users. Some local stations even have a morbid tradition of keeping continuous tallies of motorcycle accidents and fatalities during rallies.

South Carolina Wrongful Death Claims After Motorcycle Crashes

Personal injury claims help accident victims recover compensation for their losses after nonfatal injury accidents. But when a motorcycle accident victim loses their life in a wreck, it is up to their surviving family to take legal action by pursuing a wrongful death claim.

Under South Carolina law, a wrongful death is a fatality that occurs due to someone else’s wrongful behavior. In a wrongful death claim, survivors aim to hold at-fault parties accountable and demand compensation for their losses.

When a careless driver causes a severe crash, and a motorcyclist dies, a successful wrongful death claim can provide fair compensation for surviving family members. Compensation from wrongful death claims helps families cover losses like funeral expenses, loss of income, and even the subjective costs of their grief.

Can Out-of-State Families Sue in S.C. for Fatal Crashes Here?

Yes, in many cases, the surviving family members of a motorcyclist killed in a South Carolina crash would be able to bring a wrongful death case here.

South Carolina handles wrongful death lawsuits a little differently from some states. In South Carolina, only the individual managing the deceased person’s estate can bring a wrongful death lawsuit. In most cases, this person is the executor of the deceased person’s will. If a wrongful death victim does not have a will at the time of death, the court can appoint an administrator to handle their estate. A family member, in or outside of South Carolina, cannot sue for wrongful death unless they are named the executor or administrator of the deceased individual’s estate.

Any compensation from a successful lawsuit would be distributed to the victim’s next of kin per South Carolina’s intestacy laws. Surviving spouses and children are first in line for compensation, followed by the victim’s parents. Other heirs can also recover compensation if the victim has no surviving spouse, child, or parent.

Why You Need Our SC Fatal Motorcycle Accident Attorneys

Motorcycle enthusiasts generally have an unfairly poor reputation in the eyes of popular media, which depict riders as reckless and constantly looking for trouble. As a result, anti-motorcycle bias permeates all corners of our society, including the insurance industry. Some insurance adjusters use these prejudices in an attempt to undervalue or outright deny motorcycle accident claims. At Jebaily Law Firm, we won’t let them get away with that.

You need an experienced South Carolina fatal motorcycle accident attorney working with you to build a compelling, evidence-based claim. The seasoned legal team at Jebaily Law Firm has the knowledge and resources to help you recover the compensation your family deserves. We can help you by:

  • Investigating the cause of the accident
  • Identifying all liable parties involved
  • Collecting evidence and witness statements
  • Negotiating aggressively for maximum compensation
  • Managing critical legal deadlines
  • Preparing your wrongful death case for court

Contact a Motorcycle Crash Wrongful Death Lawyer Today

If someone close to you died in a South Carolina motorcycle wreck, you should discuss your situation with our wrongful death attorneys as soon as you are ready. You deserve justice, and the legal team at Jebaily Law Firm can help you demand it. Contact our office for your free, no-obligation case review today.