patient getting brain injury wrapped

If you or a loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI), then you know how life-changing it can be.  Fortunately, our personal injury lawyers in Florence are here to help. You may be facing the high cost of treatment. You may also be dealing with the harsh reality that you or your family member can no longer work due to the injury. Around-the-clock care may be necessary.

To determine the legal relief available to you, it is important to look at the cause of the brain injury. Did it result from the negligence of another person? If so, you may be eligible to pursue just compensation through a personal injury lawsuit.

Additionally, if you or your loved one suffered an injury to the head or face, or neck at work that resulted in a brain injury, you may have a case for workers’ compensation benefits.  The loss of a loved one due to TBI could be grounds for pursuing a wrongful death claim.

The personal injury lawyers of Jebaily Law Firm have decades of experience in helping brain injury victims and their families in Florence and throughout South Carolina. We can provide a free review of your case today.

How Can Our Lawyers Help with Your TBI Case?

At Jebaily Law Firm, we understand the legal issues that arise in serious brain injury cases. We also understand the latest developments in the evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation of brain injuries. In fact, Senior Partner Ronald J. Jebaily is a member of the Brain Injury Association of South Carolina (BIASC).

We can put our experience and our knowledge of these cases to work for you. When we take on your case, we will:

  • Carefully investigate what happened – We will gather and analyze all evidence that establishes why you or your loved one suffered TBI and who should be held responsible for it.
  • Review your medical records – We can determine the full extent of the brain injury and its impact on your health and lifestyle. We can seek recovery of all past medical expenses and future treatment costs, including the costs of ongoing therapy.
  • Evaluate all of your legal options – We can determine whether you should pursue a personal injury claim against a specific party (or parties) and whether other types of relief are available to you such as workers’ compensation benefits. If your loved one died from TBI, you can seek “reasonable and just” compensation for the financial harm caused by his or her death.
  • Seek a full recovery of all your damages – We can work with the insurance company (or companies) involved in your case and pursue a settlement that covers your medical costs, lost income, diminished future earning ability, pain and suffering, and more.
  • Take your case to trial – At Jebaily Law Firm, we often obtain settlements for our personal injury clients and, in turn, avoid the need to take a case to trial. However, if necessary, we will be prepared to present your case in court. We are highly skilled, aggressive litigators.
  • Resolve your liens – In many cases, health insurance or workers’ compensation benefits provider may seek to recover the funds it has paid for the medical care and other benefits and services a TBI victim receives. We can work with these providers to resolve any liens in your case and disburse the funds owed to you as efficiently as possible.

We will not charge you any legal fees unless we obtain a verdict or settlement that benefits you. Contact us today to learn more.

How Much Do You Know About Traumatic Brain Injury?

As you or your family member moves forward with treatment and your legal claim, it may help you to understand the nature of the traumatic brain injury that has impacted your life.

Traumatic brain injury is a medical condition caused by an external force. It typically occurs when a person’s head suffers a sudden blow or is violently shaken.

TBI can range from a mild concussion to a coma. It often involves damage to nerves and brain tissue. It may also involve heavy bleeding, or hemorrhaging. When the injury deprives the brain of oxygen, the most serious harm occurs.

According to the Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA), doctors diagnose and determine a course of treatment for TBI by using:

  • X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs
  • Measurements of pressure inside of the skull
  • Measurements of electrical activity within the brain.

Several medical complications can arise in the aftermath of TBI, the BIAA reports. These complications include:

  • Increased intracranial pressure – To prevent damage, doctors may need to use a ventilator, implant a catheter to drain fluids, administer medication and even remove part of the skull.
  • Malnutrition and dehydration – A person can burn calories at a high rate after an injury. To ensure a TBI victim stays nourished and hydrated, a feeding tube may be necessary.
  • Seizures – A victim may suffer seizures due to abnormal signals in the brain
  • Spasticity – Muscle spasms may occur due to brain damage that causes loss of motor control. Oral medication or injections could be necessary.
  • Contractures – Due to a lack of mobility, a victim’s nerves and tissues in the limbs may contract. Splints may be required to prevent this issue.
  • Ossification – Bone may form around major joints due to inactivity.
  • Endocrine disorders – Problems can arise due to damage to parts of the brain that control body temperature and the regulation of hormones.
  • Pressure sores – These “bed sores” can result if a TBI victim is bedridden and is not regularly turned by hospital staff or other caregivers.

The potential long-term problems faced by a TBI victim are numerous. The BIAA states that victims may experience:

  • Impaired cognitive (thinking) skills
  • Memory and concentration problems
  • Loss of motor control
  • Emotional problems such as depression and anxiety.

The costs of treatment, therapy, and ongoing care that a TBI victim needs can be daunting. Research America reports that TBI victims, on average, require $85,000 in lifetime health care costs. In some cases, the costs can go beyond $3 million.

Those figures fail to account for the victim’s loss of income or reduced earning potential. It also does not reflect the income that family members may lose while caring for a TBI victim.

Our goal at Jebaily Law Firm will be to secure compensation for the past and future expenses brought on by TBI in your case, including the costs of treating complications related to the injury, lost income, and more.

What Are Causes of TBI in Florence, South Carolina?

The BIASC reports that 61,000 South Carolina residents live with a TBI-related disability. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the leading causes of serious brain injuries are:

Falls 40.5%
Motor vehicle accidents 14.3%
Struck by/against accidents 15.5%
Assaults 10.7%
Unknown/other 19.0%

Unfortunately, many victims suffer brain injuries that could have been prevented. They result from:

  • Careless or reckless driving A driver’s negligence can cause a car accident in which a victim’s head hits a steering wheel, dashboard, or windshield or is struck by the ground or a flying object. The force of impact can cause the brain to hit the skull’s interior. TBI is a highly common injury in motorcycle crashes and collisions with large commercial trucks.
  • Dangerous work conditions Concussions and more serious forms of TBI can result from falls from scaffolding, ladders, or roofs. Proper fall prevention and safety devices may not be provided to workers. Brain injury may also result from being struck by a tool or machine or by an explosion.
  • Neglected property hazards – TBI can result from a fall caused by a dangerous condition on an owner’s premises that the owner fails to repair or warn about.
  • Nursing home abuse or neglect – The CDC indicates that falls among the elderly can carry fatal consequences. A nursing home may allow falls to occur by failing to properly handle or supervise residents. Malnutrition or medication errors may also make nursing home residents more likely to fall.
  • Defective products – A design or manufacturing flaw may lead to a head injury. For instance, a defective airbag may cause a driver or passenger to suffer TBI in a crash that the passenger otherwise would not have suffered.

In recent years, increasing attention has been paid to TBI – specifically concussions – that arise in sports and recreational activities.

In some cases, an injury may not have been caused by negligence. However, a party’s management of the injury may have worsened the consequences. For instance, a coach or trainer may have exposed a young athlete to serious harm by allowing him or her to participate before a concussion was examined and treated.

The personal injury attorneys of Jebaily Law Firm will work aggressively to identify the cause of TBI that has impacted your life, and we will pursue all options available for seeking just compensation for your damages.

Get Help from a Florence TBI Attorney

If you or a loved one has suffered traumatic brain injury through no fault of your own, you should meet with a personal injury attorney from Jebaily Law Firm without delay. We believe our extensive background in helping TBI victims and their families in South Carolina can make a meaningful difference in your case.

Don’t wait to take legal action. Contact the Florence brain injury lawyers of Jebaily Law Firm today. We will provide a free, immediate review of your case.

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