The warehouse worker suffered from a back injury while lifting and carrying heavy gear and keeping a twisted posture.

If you suffered a repetitive trauma injury on the job, you need a Myrtle Beach repetitive lifting injury lawyer to help you seek the benefits you deserve under the law. Debilitating repetitive motion injuries can leave you unable to work and support your family. But you could have options for securing the treatment and money you need to get through this difficult time.

At Jebaily Law Firm, our experienced Myrtle Beach work injury attorneys stand ready to assist you in all aspects of your repetitive lifting injury case and demand all the workers’ compensation benefits you deserve. We can also help you pursue compensation in a personal injury claim if a non-employer third party was responsible for your injuries.

Contact us now for a free consultation and find out how an experienced Myrtle Beach personal injury lawyer from our law firm can help you seek the benefits you deserve.

Why You Need a Repetitive Lifting Injury Lawyer

If you sustained an injury due to repetitive lifting or other repetitive activities at work in Myrtle Beach, you must comply with specific deadlines to preserve your right to access workers’ compensation benefits. First, you must provide your employer with notice of your injury within 90 days (or, in the case of a repetitive lifting injury, within 90 days of the date when you were diagnosed or should have reasonably discovered the injury).

Under South Carolina Workers’ Compensation Law, compensation could be barred unless a claim is filed within two years of the date of or discovery of the injury.

Our repetitive motion injury lawyers can assist you in meeting all of the required deadlines while you recover. Because of the time-sensitive nature of these reporting requirements, having a repetitive trauma injury attorney involved in your workers’ compensation claim as soon as possible is crucial.

Our lawyers can also fight for the maximum benefits you deserve from the workers’ compensation system. If your Myrtle Beach workers’ compensation claim is denied or undervalued, we can appeal the decision and represent you at hearings and in court.

Jebaily Law Firm’s experienced workplace injury lawyers have handled all types of accident claims. In addition to pursuing workers’ compensation benefits, we can also thoroughly review your situation to determine whether you could have a valid third-party work injury claim for your repetitive stress injuries.

Types of Repetitive Lifting Injuries in the Workplace

A repetitive lifting injury often occurs due to how your job tasks are performed. As the name suggests, the repetitive nature of the work can result in an injury. If you can demonstrate how your work duties are linked to your injury, your repetitive lifting injury could be covered by workers’ compensation.

Some common workplace repetitive lifting injuries include:

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Back strains due to lifting heavy objects
  • Disc herniations caused by lifting and twisting
  • Muscle tears
  • Tendinitis
  • Bursitis
  • Tennis elbow
  • Rotator cuff injuries
  • Neck injuries

Common Causes of Workplace Repetitive Lifting Injuries

Repetitive lifting injuries are caused by repeating the same motion day after day in your job. Repeated motion in the same workplace task can gradually cause inflammation, swelling, and injuries. For example, repeatedly lifting heavy objects can cause back pain and strain over time.

If your job requires repetitive motions and you developed a condition that you believe directly relates to your job, you may be eligible for workers’ comp benefits.

Because of the gradual nature of these injuries, workers’ comp insurance carriers and employers may dispute that an employee’s repetitive lifting injury occurred on the job. They often suggest that the injury is related to aging, is degenerative, or springs from a pre-existing condition instead of an injury you sustained at work.

For this reason, it is critical to retain our repetitive lifting injury attorneys as soon as possible after discovering the injury. We can assist you in gathering the necessary medical evidence to demonstrate the causation between your job tasks and the injury to prove your claim.

Does SC Workers’ Compensation Cover Repetitive Lifting Injuries?

Yes. Repetitive lifting injuries may qualify for workers’ comp benefits in South Carolina. Benefits are not only reserved for individuals who sustain sudden, traumatic injuries. Rather, any injury that occurs while the worker is performing their job duties may qualify for benefits. If your injury qualifies as work-related, your repetitive lifting injury should be covered under workers’ compensation.

Potential Compensation in Lifting Injury Cases

If your repetitive lifting injury occurred on the job in South Carolina, workers’ comp may pay you medical benefits and a percentage of your lost wages if you cannot work due to the injury.

The amount of money you may be entitled to depends on several factors, including:

  • The nature and severity of the injury
  • The amount of your medical expenses
  • The amount of lost wages
  • The impact of the injury on your future earning capacity
  • Whether you require physical therapy
  • Whether your doctor assigned you a disability rating

Workers’ compensation should pay your medical bills directly to the providers, but the partial wage replacement benefits should be paid to you. If your injury results in permanent impairment, you might be eligible for a lump-sum permanent disability payment.

If you have a valid third-party personal injury claim against someone other than your employer or co-workers, you could be entitled to further compensation, such as full payment of lost wages, pain, suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, and other losses.

Our repetitive lifting injury attorneys are a valuable resource in assessing the full benefits you are owed. We are ready to help you pursue your maximum compensation after a workplace injury in Myrtle Beach.

Why You Should Choose Our Repetitive Lifting Injury Lawyers

At Jebaily Law Firm, we have extensive experience helping employees injured on the job pursue the compensation they need to cover their medical expenses and lost wages. We want to assist with your repetitive lifting injury. We are ready to gather the necessary evidence to demonstrate the connection between your job tasks and your injury to support your claim for benefits.

Once you retain us, you will have an advocate to assist you in pursuing your legal right to benefits. As your attorneys, we will:

  • Advise you of your rights and options for recovery of your financial losses
  • Obtain necessary medical records to demonstrate the causal connection between your job duties and injury
  • Determine the full extent of your repetitive lifting injury and the necessary medical treatment and therapy to reach maximum medical improvement
  • Calculate the amount of lost wages you are entitled to recover
  • Ensure any permanent disability benefits are appropriate for your injuries
  • File the appropriate claim forms and request hearings
  • Negotiate for a full and fair settlement for you
  • Appeal any denied or undervalued claims

Talk to Our Myrtle Beach Workplace Injury Attorneys Today

At Jebaily Law Firm, we understand how stressful it is to sustain an injury on the job that leaves you unable to work. Our Myrtle Beach workplace injury attorneys want to go to work for you and demand maximum compensation. With our repetitive lifting attorneys on your side, you can focus on your recovery while we handle your claim from start to finish.

Contact us today to learn how we can help you during a free case review.